Showing 2014

Robert W. Wall

₹ 2,000.00

1 & 2 Timothy and Titus

₹ 2,000.00

This theological commentary on 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus by Robert Wall powerfully demonstrates the ongoing relevance and authority of the Pastoral Epistles for the church today. Wall uniquely...

₹ 1,400.00

1 & 2 Timothy and Titus

₹ 1,400.00

You want your Bible study to help you grow, make a difference, and change your life. This one will. Life Application Bible Studies include thought-provoking questions, complete lesson format, full...

Robert B. Hughes

₹ 1,000.00

1 Corinthians

₹ 1,000.00

Divisions, immorality, marital strife, spiritual gifts, money, wisdom, folly, and holiness these may have been Corinthian problems first, but we need Paul’s wisdom just as much today. But it can...

L Shanthakumari Sunder

₹ 425.00

1 Corinthians Made Easy

₹ 425.00

Christians, like all others, are influenced by their cultural environment. Most of the questions and problems that confronted the church at Corinth are very much with us even today—problems like...

₹ 325.00

10 Choices Successful Couples Make: The Secret to Love that Lasts a LifeTime

₹ 325.00

Is every marriage doomed to experience one conflict after another? ‘Certainly not,’ says Dr. Ron Welch. In this practical and encouraging book, he outlines the 10 specific choices you can...

₹ 140.00

10 Lessons from a Former Fat Girl: Living with Less of You and More of Life

₹ 140.00

Amy Parham, a former fat girl who became a fit girl after losing more than 100 pounds, learned what it takes to stay fit inside and out. In 10 Lessons...

₹ 99.00

10 Principles for a Happy Marriage

₹ 99.00

The Discipleship Series combines practical advice with biblical principles to bring you an invaluable collection of illustrated books. Selwyn Hughes explores some of the most vital aspects of Christian living...

₹ 225.00

10 Things I want my Daughter to Know: Getting her Ready for Life

₹ 225.00

A beautiful daughter! As you gaze into her future, what values and life skills would you like her to have? What activities can you do together to help her become...

₹ 225.00

10 Things i Want my Son to Know: Getting him Ready for Life

₹ 225.00

Being a dad requires love, humor, wisdom... and nerves of steel. And that's only the beginning. Turning to the only manual that comes with children, Steven Chapman shares his top-10...

₹ 150.00

10 Things Worth Knowing About the New Testament

₹ 150.00

For many of us, the New Testament is where we spend the most of our Bible study. It tells us all about the life and teaching of Jesus, and contains...

₹ 150.00

10 Things Worth Knowing about the Old Testament

₹ 150.00

In our study of the Bible, we may bypass the Old Testament to focus on the more familiar New Testament. But the history, themes and prophecies of the Old Testament...

₹ 425.00

10 Ways to Say "I Love You": Embracing a Love That Lasts

₹ 425.00

Author and speaker Josh McDowell has been learning that lesson for more than 40 years, and now he shares the insightful, practical choices that make a marriage thrive. Learn the...

₹ 249.00

100 Adventurous Stories for Brave Boys: Memorable Tales of Men of Faith

₹ 249.00

BOYS ARE HISTORY-MAKERS! AND THIS DEEPLY COMPELLING STORYBOOK PROVES IT! This collection of 100 adventurous stories of men of faith-from the Bible, history, and today-will empower you to know and...

₹ 790.00

100 Bible Verses Everyone Should Know by Heart

₹ 790.00

Change your life from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:20. With the immediacy of Internet searches and ease of hand held devices, the custom of memorizing Scripture may not seem necessary,...

₹ 249.00

100 Extraordinary Stories for Courageous Girls

₹ 249.00

GIRLS ARE WORLD-CHANGERS! AND THIS DEEPLY INSPIRING STORYBOOK PROVES IT. This collection of extraordinary stories of women of faith-from the bible, history, and today-will empower you to know and understand...

₹ 225.00

100 Proofs that Jesus is God

₹ 225.00

“What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey Him?” The entirety of the Christian faith hinges on this question: Is Jesus really God?  In...

₹ 449.00

1000 Bible Study Outlines (Malayalam)

₹ 449.00

The diligent student, busy pastor and sincere layman will find a collection of diverse outlines within these pages. Titles include: Attitudes of the Believer,The Believer's Calling,Blunders,Christ's Sevenfold Character,How to Help...

₹ 599.00

1000 Bible Study Outlines: Study Helps and Sermon Outlines

₹ 599.00

The diligent student, busy pastor and sincere layman will find a collection of diverse outlines within these pages. 1000 BIBLE STUDY OUTLINES will provide stepping stones to rewarding bible study...

Chelladurai E D

₹ 325.00

101 Bible Lessons

₹ 325.00

Invigorating Guidebook of Bible Treasures. Constant Bible study is inevitable for one to learn, listen and experience the eternal message of the Scripture. 101 Bible Lessons aims at exploring the...

₹ 299.00

101 Bible Lessons (Malayalam)

₹ 299.00

Invigorating Guidebook of Bible Treasures. Constant Bible study is inevitable for one to learn, listen and experience the eternal message of the Scripture. 101 Bible Lessons aims at exploring the...

Chelladurai E D

₹ 299.00

101 Bible Lessons (Telugu)

₹ 299.00

Invigorating Guidebook of Bible Treasures. Constant Bible study is inevitable for one to learn, listen and experience the eternal message of the Scripture. 101 Bible Lessons aims at exploring the...

101 Questions You Need to Ask in Your Twenties: (And Let's Be Honest, Your Thirties Too)

₹ 675.00

Whether you just polished off your college graduation cake, are in your twenties or thirties struggling through a quarter-life crisis, you're simply trying to figure out how to become all...

₹ 350.00


₹ 350.00

To really change your life for the better, connect with God, enjoy family and friends, exercise, and fix meals from The 40 Days to Better Living Cookbook!  

₹ 249.00

12 Evangelical Leaders of Kerala

₹ 249.00

12 Evangelical Leaders of Kerala features the lives and ministries of twelve prominent figures who largely influenced the reformation movement of 19th and 20th century Kerala. They became the apostles...

₹ 325.00

2 Corinthians Made Easy: A Lay Persons Commentary of the Second Epistles to the Corinthians

₹ 325.00

Paul, we consider the pillar of the early Christianity, and had traveled four times around the Roman World, establishing churches wherever he went. Such a giant of a man had...

Miguel Nunez

₹ 799.00

2 Peter & Jude for you

₹ 799.00

When friends, family members, and even respected church leaders fall away from the faith, it is deeply sad and painful. But the reality is that we are all tempted to...

₹ 175.00

20 Things We Would Tell our Twenty Something Selves

₹ 175.00

In 20 Things We’d Tell Our Twentysomething Selves, professors Peter and Kelli Worrall help you spend them well. They look back on the good, bad, and miserable to share the...

₹ 100.00

20:20 Network: Vision for Small Group Leadership

₹ 100.00

This group addresses everything a small group or home-group leader needs to know why small groups are the most effective setting for spiritual growth. why the bible must play the...

₹ 199.00

30 Days to a Great Attitude: Strategies for a better Outlook on Life

₹ 199.00

This handy guide uses Bible-based principles and practical strategies to point you toward the path to a better outlook on life and to empower you to display the right attitude...

₹ 650.00

30 Days to Understanding the Bible

₹ 650.00

Max Anders' updated classic resource for learning the Bible in 30 days. Understand the Bible in 30 Days includes all the features that made the original so popular plus much more. Proven...

John Calvin

₹ 499.00

365 Days with Calvin

₹ 499.00

John Calvin exercised a profound ministry in Europe, and is probably one of the most seminal thinkers ever to have lived. A godly pastor, theologian and preacher, he led his...

₹ 195.00

365 Devotions

₹ 195.00

365 Devotions provides a daily Scripture reference for the day's Bible reading Scripture verse for memorization. Song suggestion to assist in praise and worship Inspiring, thought-provoking meditation Prayer thought to...

365 Morning Devotions for Women: Readings to Start Your Day in God's Word

₹ 1,550.00

Daily Encouragement and Bible Wisdom for Your Mornings! This beautiful daily devotional collection will engage your spirit with Bible wisdom and set the tone for each new day. Each reading...

₹ 1,495.00

40 Questions about Heaven and Hell

₹ 1,495.00

In 40 Questions About Heaven and Hell, Alan Gomes surveys the Old and New Testaments to present a comprehensive picture of the afterlife. The question-and-answer format makes it easy to...

₹ 550.00

42 Seconds: The Jesus Model for everyday interaction

₹ 550.00

The average length of Jesus' conversations as recorded in the Gospels was 42 seconds long. This is good news for all of us. It frees us up to talk about...

5 Traits of a Healthy Family: Steps you can take to grow closer, Communicate better & Change the World together

₹ 275.00

So often we examine the traits of unhealthy families, but Gary Chapman paints a biblical portrait of what a loving, stable family looks like. He details five timeless characteristics that...

John Piper, Wayne Grudem

₹ 149.00

50 Crucial Questions

₹ 149.00

There is a desperate need for leaders of the evangelical church to speak with a wise, clear, and uncompromising biblical clarity. 50 Crucial Questions brings out passage after passage of...

Randy Alcorn

₹ 350.00

50 Days of Heaven

₹ 350.00

For Christians, eternity is an exciting promise, but many do not know the details of what life will be like in heaven and throughout eternity. 50 Days of Heaven allows...

₹ 250.00

50 Days of Heaven: Reflection that bring eternity to Light

₹ 250.00

For Christians, eternity is an exciting promise, but many do not know the details of what life will be like in heaven and throughout eternity. 50 Days of Heaven allows the reader...

50 Quizzes, Challenges, and Deep Questions: to Get Teens Talking (Discuss It)

₹ 455.00

The Discuss It series will help youth pastors and leaders get teens talking. These discussion starters will grab students' attention and make each session unforgettable.

₹ 199.00

500 Evangelistic Sermon Outlines

₹ 199.00

John Ritchie brings out truths that change lives and minister to present needs in his book. Personal, prayerful study of the Bible is encouraged by offering inspiring insights to those...

₹ 149.00

500 Evangelistic Sermon outlines (Hindi)

₹ 149.00

John Ritchie brings out truths that change lives and minister to present needs in his book. Personal, prayerful study of the Bible is encouraged by offering inspiring insights to those...

₹ 149.00

500 Evangelistic Sermon Outlines (Telugu)

₹ 149.00

John Ritchie brings out truths that change lives and minister to present needs in his book. Personal, prayerful study of the Bible is encouraged by offering inspiring insights to those...

7 Keys to Financial Freedom: Unlock the Door to God's Blessing in your Finances

₹ 99.00

This book provides a clear, easy to read road map to financial freedom. It is based on Biblical instructions with practical applications for immediate use. It is a great resource...

7 Simple Skills for Every Man: Success in Relationships, Work, and Your Walk with God

₹ 195.00

As a man, you were created to do to pursue worthwhile goals, overcome obstacles, and have an enduring influence on your world. But these pursuits are often complicated, and the more...

Louis C. Jonker

₹ 2,000.00

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1 & 2 Chronicles

₹ 2,000.00

Louis Jonker's section-by-section commentary on 1-2 Chronicles is the newest volume in the Understanding the Bible Commentary Series. This user-friendly commentary series helps readers navigate the sometimes difficult terrain of...

10 Questions Every Christian Must Answer: Thoughtful Responses to Strengthen Your Faith

₹ 740.00

Ten Questions Every Christian Must Answer provides responses to the toughest conversations regarding one's inward faith as well as the outward expression of it and is relevant to new believers...

Gallagher Belinda

₹ 1,200.00

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100 Bible Stories

₹ 1,200.00

100 Bible Stories is a beautifully illustrated anthology of best-known Bible stories for children aged 4 7 years that have been wonderfully retold to captivate a child's imagination. This key...

1000 Bible Study Outlines (Hindi)

₹ 499.00

Gods Amazing Grace takes the readers on a thrilling expedition to discover the breath-taking heights and soul-stirring depths of Gods Grace. It is one of the key issues of Christianity,...

7 Reasons why you can Trust the Bible

₹ 249.00

In this revised edition of his top-selling 7 Reasons Why You Can Trust the Bible, Dr. Lutzer offers seven foundational arguments for the reliability of Scripture. In clear, easy-to-follow language,...
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