Showing 55

₹ 225.00


₹ 225.00

Being a dad requires love, humor, wisdom... and nerves of steel. And that's only the beginning. Turning to the only manual that comes with children, Steven Chapman shares his top-10...

₹ 350.00

The New Strong-Willed Child

₹ 350.00

Is a willful little darling driving you to distraction? The New Strong-Willed Child is the resource you need - a classic bestseller completely rewritten, updated, and expanded for a new...

₹ 575.00

Healing The Hurt In Your Marriage

₹ 575.00

All marriage relationships face hurts and conflicts on several levels, but not many of us know how to deal with them effectively. So we don't. Healing the Hurt in Your...

₹ 200.00


₹ 200.00

God wants men and women to be one in marriage. But one of the major hurdles is a man's pride and unwillingness to truly listen to his wife. Pastor A.J....

Ted Cunningham

₹ 325.00


₹ 325.00

No couple plans to drift apart. But without intentionality, curiosity, and a good dose of laughter, we can find ourselves wondering what happened to the fun and intimacy we had...

₹ 399.00


₹ 399.00

No man will get anywhere in life without discipline―and growth in godliness is no exception. Seasoned pastor R. Kent Hughes’s inspiring and bestselling book Disciplines of a Godly Man―now updated...

₹ 59.00

The 15 Descriptions of Love (Tamil)

₹ 59.00

Excerpted from "A Christian Leader's Guide to Leading with Love," this short book is an exposition of the fifteen descriptions of love presented by the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians...

₹ 99.00


₹ 99.00

The Discipleship Series combines practical advice with biblical principles to bring you an invaluable collection of illustrated books. Selwyn Hughes explores some of the most vital aspects of Christian living...

₹ 149.00

Marriage Rules!: The Hilarious Handbook for Surviving Marriage

₹ 149.00

Getting married? Just married? Been married for 50 years? Whether you are currently in the throes of wedded bliss or you aspire to walk down the aisle one day, this...

Carol Britten, Bruce Britten

₹ 119.00

Answers For Your Marriage (Oriya)

₹ 119.00

Answers for your Marriage deals with the serious questions and issues related to love, sex and child-raising. It will be a helpful guide to the people who plan to marry...

₹ 1,650.00

The Power of a Praying Husband

₹ 1,650.00

How Can You Pray for Her? Praying for your wife is one important way to ensure she feels loved and protected. Bestselling author Stormie Omartian is here to help as you...

Michael Perrott, Hilary Perrott

₹ 250.00

The Highway Code for Marriage

₹ 250.00

Are you about to get married? Thinking of giving on your marriage? Wanting to make your marriage even better? Michael and Hilary Perrott have poured all their wisdom and experience...

₹ 350.00

Enter the Ring: Fighting Together for a Gospel-Saturated Marriage

₹ 350.00

Enter the Ring takes a fresh, powerful, vulnerable approach to marriage by framing it as the fight that it is. The world uses different assaults and tactics to distract us,...

Dr Gary Smalley, Michael Smalley, Dr Robert S Paul

₹ 190.00

The DNA of Relationships

₹ 190.00

“Life is relationships; the rest is just details.” We are designed for relationships, yet they often bring us pain. In this paradigm-shifting book, Gary Smalley unravels the DNA of relationships:...

Bringing Up Girls: Practical Advice and Encouragement for Those Shaping the Next Generation of Women

₹ 350.00

Peer pressure. Eating disorders. Decisions about love, romance, and sex. Academic demands. Life goals and how to achieve them. These are just some of the challenges that girls face today—and...

₹ 1,000.00

A Book of Prayers for Couples

₹ 1,000.00

When a husband or wife prays for their spouse, both receive the blessing. Discover the joy and peace that come when your marriage is strengthened, your commitment renewed, and difficult...

₹ 350.00

Ahab and Jezebel: A Bunch of Guaranteed Ways to Ruin Your Marriage

₹ 350.00

Where do you turn when your marriage isn’t bliss? When fatal flaws in the relationship threaten to bring it to an end? What do you do when it feels like...


₹ 999.00


₹ 999.00

The fast-paced-challenges of our times claim many victims, one of which is the institution of the family. Once a sacred platform for the birthing, nourishing, raising and guarding of giants...

₹ 275.00


₹ 275.00

So often we examine the traits of unhealthy families, but Gary Chapman paints a biblical portrait of what a loving, stable family looks like. He details five timeless characteristics that...

₹ 275.00

Love, Pray, Listen: Parenting your Wayward Adult Children with Joy

₹ 275.00

WISDOM AND HOPE FOR PARENTS OF GROWN-UPS   As a parent, your role changes drastically after children grow up. You fear heartache and stained relationships when choose difficult—even seemingly wrong—paths....

Mary Sarah, Sal and Frank Garcia

₹ 299.00


₹ 299.00

HOW TO RAISE GODLY KIDS TODAY SO THEY CAN TRANSFORM TOMORROW In today’s culture, raising godly kids is harder and more important than ever. In this innovative new book, pastors...

Melissa B. Kruger

₹ 325.00


₹ 325.00

RAISE YOUR TEENS ON A ROCK-SOLID FOUNDATION As children mature, it’s important for parents to prepare for the unique changes and challenges of adolescence. With so many cultural pressures and...

John Houghton, Janet Houghton A

₹ 350.00

A Touch of Love

₹ 350.00

A Touch Of Love by John & Janet Houghton is the perfect Christian book to help you find peace and joy in your life. Featuring heartfelt writing and deep principles,...

₹ 750.00

Warfare for Your Marriage: Identifying the Battle for Your Heart, Home, and Family

₹ 750.00

This is not a book on Christian psychology and counseling but rather a direct counterattack against the kingdom of darkness and the lusts of the flesh. It cuts to the...

₹ 890.00

The Marriage You've Always Wanted

₹ 890.00

Respected marriage counselor Gary Chapman looks at the key issues that will help you build the marriage you've always wanted, answering such real-life questions as Why won't they change? Why...

₹ 129.00

New Strong-Willed Child: Birth Through Adolescence

₹ 129.00

Challenging as they are to raise, strong-willed children can grow up to be men and women of strong character- it lovingly guided with understanding and the right kind of discipline....

Bob Meisner, Audrey Meisner, Stephen W Nance

₹ 60.00

Marriage Undercover: Thriving in a Culture of Quiet Desperation

₹ 60.00

This is a true story that every husband and wife should read. Bob and Audrey Meisner had it all: a fruitful ministry, three beautiful children, a picture-perfect marriage. Their future...

₹ 425.00

Your Marriage Today. . .And Tomorrow: Making Your Relationship Matter Now and for Generations to Come

₹ 425.00

Build a marriage now that your kids will thank you for later. Your parents’ marital choices have greatly affected your own attitudes and actions in marriage, for better or worse....

Unplanned: The Dramatic True Story of a Former Planned Parenthood Leader's Eye-Opening Journey across the Life Line

₹ 150.00

That simple act became a national news story because Abby was the director of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Texas who, after participating in an actual abortion procedure for the...

₹ 225.00

New Strong-Willed Child: Birth Through Adolescence

₹ 225.00

Dr. James Dobson has completely rewritten, updated, and expanded his classic best seller The Strong-Willed Child for a new generation of parents and teachers. The New Strong-Willed Child follows on the heels...

₹ 490.00

Spiritual Parenting: An Awakening for Today's Families

₹ 490.00

It's hard enough to train kids to behave, but good behaviour is not what Jesus calls for in the Bible. He wants hearts and souls that are shaped in vibrant...

₹ 625.00

If My Husband Would Change, I'd Be Happy: And Other Myths Wives Believe

₹ 625.00

Like most brides on their wedding day, you no doubt were filled with love for your husband and the hope of a happy life together. But perhaps today, as the...

₹ 150.00

Home Is Where My People Are: The Roads That Lead Us to Where We Belong

₹ 150.00

In-home Is Where My People Are, Sophie Hudson takes readers on a delightfully quirky journey through the South, introducing them to an unforgettable cast of characters, places, and experiences. Along...

Jason Houser, Bobby Harrington, Chad Harrington

₹ 690.00

Dedicated: Training Your Children to Trust and Follow Jesus

₹ 690.00

In the Great Commission, Jesus commanded his followers to go into the world and make disciples, teaching them to obey all that Jesus had said. But the very first great...

₹ 720.00

Broke: What Financial Desperation Revealed about God's Abundance

₹ 720.00

You will laugh and cry with her as she experiences spiritual blessing and discovers God's goodness in ways she never expected. We survived. I kept breathing. I kept stepping. And...

₹ 425.00

10 Ways to Say "I Love You": Embracing a Love That Lasts

₹ 425.00

Author and speaker Josh McDowell has been learning that lesson for more than 40 years, and now he shares the insightful, practical choices that make a marriage thrive. Learn the...

₹ 1,250.00

Baby & Child Care (Focus On The Family Complete Guides)

₹ 1,250.00

An indispensable guide delivers practical and critical information parents need to know, taking a balanced approach to rearing emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy children.

₹ 500.00

Raising Kingdom Kids: Giving Your Child a Living Faith

₹ 500.00

Raising Kingdom Kids equips parents to raise their children with a Kingdom perspective and also offers practical how-to advice on providing spiritual training as instructed in Scripture.Dr. Tony Evans begins...

₹ 140.00

7 Solutions for Burned-Out Parents

₹ 140.00

Twenty-first-century moms and dads, even more than their predecessors, are caught in a harried and hurried lifestyle best described as routine panic. They know something is wrong but are too...

₹ 320.00

Raising Cain: How the Bible Shapes the Things You Say

₹ 320.00

In Raising Cain. Dr. Wayne Harvey provides fascinating documentation of the echoes of the King James Bible on the tongues of and in the writings of 21st century English speakers.

₹ 450.00

No More Headaches: Enjoying Sex & Intimacy in Marriage

₹ 450.00

Both husbands and wives can be extremely frustrated by the differences in sexual needs and expectations between them. This frustration manifests itself as fighting, resentment, feelings of either guilt or...

₹ 150.00

Home Improvements: The Chapman Guide to Negotiating Change With Your Spouse

₹ 150.00

Those annoying habits can be damaging to a relationship over time. There's hope for change. Dr. Chapman provides a do it yourself approach to helping couples learn to overcome bad...

₹ 150.00

Now What?: The Chapman Guide to Marriage after Children (Chapman Guides)

₹ 150.00

In a guide that helps couples create a godly framework for dealing with common issues once kids are in the picture, spouses will discover how to keep their marriage strong...

₹ 250.00

The New Strong-Willed Child

₹ 250.00

Dr. James Dobson has completely rewritten, updated, and expanded his classic best seller The Strong-Willed Child for a new generation of parents and teachers. The New Strong-Willed Child follows on the heels...

₹ 550.00

Happily Ever After: Six Secrets to a Successful Marriage

₹ 550.00

Let's face it even the best of marriages hit an occasional bump in the road now and then. The secret to marital bliss lies in how you and your spouse...

₹ 150.00


₹ 150.00

There are plenty of how-to guides out there on parenting, but this one of a kind book is specifically designed to address your needs as a parent of an adopted...

₹ 225.00


₹ 225.00

As moms, we know we've messed up in so many ways. Royally. Maybe you think you've failed your children, your spouse, and your God. But did you know that in...

₹ 225.00


₹ 225.00

Every mom can identify with the feeling that they’re in a race to the finish line every day, stumbling over everything in their path—including Legos and dirty laundry! Kara-Kae James...


₹ 125.00


₹ 125.00

Friendship Promises is a meaningful gift book, for both the giver and the recipient. Sharing these encouraging words will help friends walk confidently toward a sweet, strong relationship grounded in honesty,...

₹ 275.00

Before the Wedding Bells: Preparing for a Lasting & Fulfilling Marriage

₹ 275.00

Amidst the excitement and busyness of planning for a perfect wedding, couples often overlook the more important aspect of preparing for the marriage. Remember, wedding is an event and marriage...

Carol Britten, Bruce Britten

₹ 249.00

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Answers For Your Marriage (Rev)

₹ 249.00

Answers for your Marriage deals with the serious questions and issues related to love, sex and child-raising. It will be a helpful guide to the people who plan to marry...

The Wholehearted Wife: 10 Keys to a More Loving Relationship

₹ 550.00

The Wholehearted Wife is written by Erin and Greg Smalley, along with Gary Smalley, the creator and presenter of Keys to a Loving Relationship, one of the best-selling video series...

Desperate Marriages: Moving Toward Hope and Healing in Your Relationship

₹ 575.00

Countless couple today face major marital struggles. Dr. Gary Chapman communicates genuine hope for every marriage even for those with deeply rooted wounds. Chapman provides positive steps for dealing with...

NIV, Couples' Devotional Bible, Leathersoft, Brown/Silver

₹ 4,500.00

Build a Biblical Foundation for Your MarriageWith devotions that reflect the concerns that many couples face today, the bestselling NIV Couples’ Devotional Bible is designed to help you build your...

Suddenly Single: Rebuilding Your Life after Divorce

₹ 125.00

This compassionate guide through grief, fears, and the challenges of divorce encourages readers to see this painful time as potentially one of the most powerful. Kathey Batey understands the trauma...
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