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₹ 129.00

The Pilgrim's Progress (Hindi)

₹ 129.00

The Pilgrim’s Progress is one of the greatest Christian classics of all time, answering that question and illustrating the deepest struggles Christians face as they walk with God in this...

₹ 499.00

Applied Old Testament Commentary: Applying God's Word to Your Life

₹ 499.00

The Applied Commentary series is a fresh approach to Bible study, connecting great wisdom with your life today. Each Scripture passage is enhanced with insights on key themes and ideas....

₹ 275.00

Preparing Expository Sermons: A 7 Step method for Biblical Preaching

₹ 275.00

Preparing Expository Sermons, an updated and expanded version of Scripture Sculpture, is ideal for beginning preachers, lay preachers without formal training, or any pastor who is looking for a refresher...

₹ 5.00

₹ 125.00

Risk Is Right: Better to Lose your Life than to Waste It

₹ 125.00

Piper has a passionate message for our generation: Dare to live for the great and glorious things that matter! Calling you to put your faith into action, this standalone chapter...

₹ 129.00

Father of Faith Missions: Autobiography of Hudson Taylor

₹ 129.00

Autobiography of Hudson Taylor, the missionary to China and the founder of the China Inland Mission. Account of his life became one of the most influential stories ever in the...

Thelma S Alfsen

₹ 8.00

₹ 5.00

₹ 1,499.00

Bible Knowledge Commentary New Testament (Telugu)

₹ 1,499.00

An easy to understand exposition of Scripture, scholarly in content that deepens one’s knowledge of the Word of God. The Bible Knowledge Commentary interprets the Bible verse by verse and...

₹ 5.00

₹ 99.00

The Pilgrim's Progress (Malayalam)

₹ 99.00

The Pilgrim’s Progress is one of the greatest Christian classics of all time, answering that question and illustrating the deepest struggles Christians face as they walk with God in this...

Billy Graham

₹ 219.00

Peace with God (Hindi)

₹ 219.00

Dr. Graham shares Gods gentle reassuring promise of spiritual calm of authentic spiritual peace? amidst a personal life wracked with too much stress, too many burdens, too great a heart-ache...

₹ 5.00

David Cook C

₹ 5.00

₹ 5.00

Bill Hybels

₹ 268.00

Sermon Preparation

₹ 268.00

On top of all the responsibilities that comprise their vocation, pastors must write sermons that are original, insightful, useful, challenging, and comforting--once a week. Sermon Preparation explores the art and...

David Gooding, John Lennox

₹ 39.00

Key Bible Concepts

₹ 39.00

Sin, faith, holiness, justification, reconciliation--what do these words mean, anyway? As in any other field, it is in getting to grips with the technical terms in the Bible the leads...

John F Walvoord, Roy B. Zuck

₹ 2,999.00

The Bible Knowledge Commentary, 2 Volume Set

₹ 2,999.00

An easy to understand exposition of Scripture, scholarly in content that deepens one’s knowledge of the Word of God. The Bible Knowledge Commentary interprets the Bible verse by verse and...

L Shanthakumari Sunder

₹ 425.00

1 Corinthians Made Easy

₹ 425.00

Christians, like all others, are influenced by their cultural environment. Most of the questions and problems that confronted the church at Corinth are very much with us even today—problems like...

₹ 29.00

Dangers of Spiritual Deception (Hindi)

₹ 29.00

The book stresses the fact that we need to be doers of God’s word to resist being deceived. The author outlines ten areas of Satan’s schemes of deception applied against...

₹ 59.00

Fifty Reasons why Jesus Came to Die (Hindi)

₹ 59.00

The central issue of Jesus death is not the cause, but the meaning God 's meaning. That is what this book is about. John Piper has gathered from the New...

₹ 375.00

What's So Amazing about Grace ?

₹ 375.00

On the heels of Philip Yancey's best-selling The Jesus I Never Knew comes his equally insightful exploration of grace, the most powerful force in the universe and our only hope...

₹ 1.00

When Your World Falls Apart...: What Will you Do?

₹ 1.00

Worlds Apart is about the battle between two kingdoms, the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Darkness where humans become the battlefield. The Kingdom of Darkness is the world...

David Cook C

₹ 1.00

₹ 4.00

₹ 3.00

West E C

₹ 3.00

Road Accident

₹ 3.00


₹ 35.00

Repentance the Joy: Filled Life

₹ 35.00

Basilea Schlink’s message includes both an uncompromising call to repentance and a proclamation of the joyous message of the kingdom of heaven. Her love for Jesus has blessed innumerable lives....

₹ 99.00

The Pilgrim's Progress (Telugu)

₹ 99.00

The Pilgrim’s Progress is one of the greatest Christian classics of all time, answering that question and illustrating the deepest struggles Christians face as they walk with God in this...

₹ 59.00

Out of the Comfort Zone (Tamil)

₹ 59.00

George verwer has managed to write a book that is humble and hard-hitting at the same time. He doesn't pull any punches in his heart's cry for a grace-awakened approach...

₹ 99.00

Out of the Comfort Zone (Hindi)

₹ 99.00

This book, Out of the Comfort Zone by George Verwer, is an inspiring Bible-based exploration of commitment to Christ. It offers a Christian approach to living with a challenging, faith-filled...

Basilea Schlink

₹ 50.00

My all for him

₹ 50.00

A book for believers who want to recapture the pure joy experienced when they first knew God. Helps readers express their love to God.

₹ 3.00

₹ 3.00

₹ 5.00

₹ 29.00

Dangers of Spiritual Deception (Tamil)

₹ 29.00

God’s word is sharper than any two-edged sword. Through biblical insights George Verwer pinpoints the areas where every Christian can be deceived by their enemy, Satan. This message is shared...

₹ 200.00

Faithful to Christ: A Challenge to Truly Live for Christ

₹ 200.00

I believe that many Christians get into a lot of trouble by not being honest in their convictions. For instance, if a person goes into a workshop, or a soldier...

William MacDonald

₹ 169.00

Alone in Majesty (Kannada)

₹ 169.00

In Alone in Majesty, highly renowned Bible scholar and author, William Mac Donald investigates the characteristics of God, those unique to him and those he shares with humanity. This indispensable...

Our Daily Bread Annual Edition - 2025 (Telugu)

₹ 200.00

Our Daily Bread In a world that is often uncertain and confusing, discover the confidence of the psalmist who said to the Lord, “Your word is a lamb for my...

Our Daily Bread Annual Edition - 2025

₹ 200.00

Our Daily Bread In a world that is often uncertain and confusing, discover the confidence of the psalmist who said to the Lord, “Your word is a lamb for my...

The Secret Of True Life

₹ 5.00

The Beatitudes are revolutionary! Startling! Deeply profound, and yet amazingly simple! If applied on a universal scale, they could transform the world in which we live. If you apply these...

Who Do You Think You Are

₹ 325.00

At the age of 33, Emmanuel Upputuru finds himself frustrated by physical injuries that have begun to cage his body. He embarks on a journey of self- discovery that unveils...

The Secret Of True Life (Hindi)

₹ 5.00

The Beatitudes are revolutionary! Startling! Deeply profound, and yet amazingly simple! If applied on a universal scale, they could transform the world in which we live. If you apply these...

One-Minute Inspirations for Women

₹ 99.00

Jump start your day with powerful one minute devotions from bestselling author Elizabeth George. Each Inspiration is handpicked to help you to: Face your circumstances with confidence. Make important decisions...

Carol Britten, Bruce Britten

₹ 249.00

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Answers for your Marriage (Rev)

₹ 249.00

Answers for your Marriage deals with the serious questions and issues related to love, sex and child-raising. It will be a helpful guide to the people who plan to marry...

When Did Sin Begin?: Human Evolution and the Doctrine of Original Sin

₹ 325.00

This book argues that there are several possible ways to harmonize the doctrine of original sin and human evolution, taking seriously both Scripture and science. "The question of the 'historical...
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